That unscratched itch and a little free time produced this:
At the beginning on the year I was toying with the idea of working on one type of project for each month of the year so that by the time Christmas comes around I will have a stash of already made items to choose from instead of a bunch of craft supplies, but I hadn't really come up with a plan. Well, it turns out that this is flower month. I now have fifteen flowers made and plan to make sixteen more -- one for each day of the month. They are not all this same pattern and they may not all end up being brooches, but they will be there for me to use when the time comes.
Those are cute! Did you attach the buttons? What if you left a button hole in the middle and made it so you could button them onto a button that was already on a shirt?
Just a thought!
Yes, the button is attached. The center is pretty tight on the pattern as it is written, but I like the idea of making it just big enough to slip over a button. Thanks for the idea.
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