Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bee Sting

I got my first bee sting today, which is pretty good considering my age, which is older than most people are when they get their first bee sting, if they are the sort to get bee stings.
The thing is, the bee did not sting me. I managed to impale myself on the poor thing while I was cleaning up some pruning my husband had done. I was felt the sting as I was moving my arm back and brushed into some of the branches. I looked at my arm and could see the stinger and part of the poor thing's butt sticking out. When I looked down I could see her (bees are mostly 'her's, aren't they?) writhing on the ground.
I am sure her last thought was "Mom always said 'They're just as afraid of you as you are of them. Just don't bother them and they won't bother you.'Yeah, right."
In honor of the poor bee:

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