Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Favorite Dentist

I got to go to the dentist today. Just a check-up, though I will be back Friday for a crown prep. When the hygienist was doing her work I could tell the probe stuck a bit on of the teeth. I thought it was on an existing crown -- yikes! -- but it turned out to be the tooth with the big, ugly amalgam filling in front of it. The filling is at least 25 years old and while I don't enjoy dental work, I am vain enough to be glad to see that one be replaced with something natural looking.
This dentist is further away than I like driving when there are a lot of dentists between him and our home, but I am so happy with him and the work he has done. My teeth feel better and look better (ah, vanity) and I know my mouth is healthier since I started going there. He doesn't try to sell you extra services. Everyone at his office is so nice.
I used to be a nervous wreck when I went to the dentist and would start getting nervous about a week ahead of time. No more. God bless Dr. B.

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