Thursday, December 25, 2008

Last Minute Christmas Gift

This year several sites mentioned surprise balls. They are balls of crepe paper that the recipient unwinds to find small gifts hidden inside. I decided to try them with my family.
Shortly after I made my mom's, I found the item I had meant to put in the middle. So, I unwrapped hers to start over and even though it wasn't for me it was so fun to see the goodies fall out. The next day I was telling one of the women I work with about it when it occurred to me that I should make some for my co-workers. We weren't having a gift exchange this year, but I wanted to do something.
The plan was to just put small candies in it since this was now very last minute, but I ended up making a bracelet (sorry, no picture) for one person and some small felt pins for some others.

One co-worker had already asked me for a snowman pin and another loves ladybugs, so those were easy to come up with. These were so fun and easy to do that I know I will be making more.
Not everyone got a pin but they all got a surprise ball and they were all delighted as they began unwrapping them and saw the little treats falling out.
The hardest part of this is finding the little things that work, but as you wind the ball you see where to add the next thing and it all comes out pretty round at the end.

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