Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back Home

I have been gone on a trip to Chicago and to Amish country in northern Indiana and only just got home today. It is so good to see my husband and children and my very own bed which is, unfortunately, covered with a partially unpacked suitcase and no clear idea of just where I want to put things. This is the problem with leaving on a trip shortly after moving into a new house where improvements are still being made and so you don't have the organizational system worked out yet, because you don't have full access to all rooms yet.
Nevertheless, I will be sleeping in that bed tonight even if I have to just set some things on the floor. I organize better after a good night's sleep anyway.


Anonymous said...

You were out my way. :) Did you go to Shipshewana? I was there once. And Chicago is great!

joanieponytail said...

Yes, we did go to Shipshewana for the flea market. It started off hot and steamy and then started pouring, so we did not get to see as much as we would have liked, since we had to keep ducking into stalls for cover. It is beautiful in that part of the country.