Monday, February 1, 2010

Another Year Older

Today is my birthday. I like having my birthday on February first. That way January is just practice for my new year. It gives me time to think about what I want to do and what I might actually do during the year while I have time to come off that holiday high.

During the last month I read a blog from a 25 year old woman who was lamenting her wasted youth and the fact that she was too old to do some of the things she has wanted to do but hasn't had a chance to do yet, like getting her belly button pierced. She did not want to end up like the man she had seen driving some hot sports car while wearing a leather jacket and cool sunglasses with the wind blowing through the few strands of hair he had left. I guess when you get to be a certain age you no longer feel joy or excitement or the thrill of driving with the top down.

My grandma lived in a retirement home for many years and I remember her telling me how it would always surprise her that there were so many old folks around and then she would get a look at herself in the mirror and remember that she was supposed to be old, too.

I hope I am one of those people who has to be reminded by my mirror that I am getting older. I don't want to lose the thrill and joy of life. I certainly don't want to embrace my inner crotchety old lady. And if this is the year I finally lose weight I may even get my belly button pierced.

While I was surfing the web yesterday I found this hilarious story that started with the drawings on one man's birthday cake. I hope you enjoy it. Read all three parts.

1 comment:

martha heiden said...

I am glad you have added another year and I am enjoying your blog but I wish you would say something nice about the "one who brung you" to the dance those many years ago. Just teasing.

yo mama