Monday, January 3, 2011

Angela Hunt on Angels

I think it has only been in the last year that I read my first Angela Hunt book, The Canopy which is about an American researcher who is dying of a particular type of brain disease and is looking for a cure in the Amazon jungle. It was fascinating to learn about the people of the Amazon and their spiritual beliefs, especially about Yai Pada (so impressed that I remembered that name).
Next I read The Debt. I had to force myself to get into that one since it is about the wife of a televangelist, but it turned out to be one of the most worthwhile books I read last year. The title is based on the story Jesus told of the the two men who each owed a debt to another man. One owed a large sum of money while the other man owed a small amount. Neither could pay so the man they owed the money to forgave both debts. Jesus asked the listeners which of the two men loved the one who forgave their debts more. I don't want to say anything else about the story because you should read it for yourself. Wonderful.
More recently I read The Novelist about a very successful author who is teaching a community college class about writing. The way Ms. Hunt tells that story is very interesting as she writes about the author/teacher and her family and students and then also shares the story she is writing as she teaches the class.
Of the three, The Debt is my favorite, but I have a few more of her books waiting in my to-be-read stack so that may change.

Anyway, the only reason I am sharing that with you is that I wanted to share the post she put up yesterday about angels. It debunks some of the popular myths about angels and I look forward to reading part two next week.

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