Monday, January 24, 2011


These are some of the things that have caught my eye.

Very clever idea for making faux wrought iron wall decor.

A few years ago my brother and his wife were talking about a contest they were having to see which of them could read the most books that year. That got me wondering how many books I read each year so I started keeping a list of the title and author and a quote from the book.
Then I thought it would be better to write down the main characters and a summary of the plot. This has turned out to be very helpful.
Combine that with a love of bookmarks and you can see why I really like this idea from the Making Books blog.
Another great place to keep track of the books you are reading, to write reviews and to read other people's reviews and to get ideas for new books to read is Goodreads.
By the way, I read 88 books last year, including the Bible. If I was doing the contest thing I would have counted the Bible as 66 books.

And then there's this. How do people think of these things?

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