Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday. There is an elaborate mathematical formula for figuring her age that means she is now younger than me. In the how-old-would-you-be-if-you
-didn't-know-how-old-you-are model she is probably about 37.
Anyway, happy birthday, mom. It is especially important to wish her a happy birthday this year because she is having her kidney's pounded with sound waves to break up some stones today. That whole cake and conical hat and friends model of celebrating is just so last year, for those of you who, like me, are out of the loop.
Since she is not going the traditional route this year, I thought she might enjoy looking at some cool things I have been looking at this last week.
Mimi Kirchner has some wonderful pincushions here and here.
There are amazing paper sculptures here.
And because platelets seem to be important in the lives of my mom, who donates them, and my daughter, who went through a little episode when she was 3 where her body decided it did not need platelets cluttering things up (her body was wrong), I thought they would both enjoy seeing these happy little platelets (of love). I know they look like little suns, but they are platelets.
One last thing. You can find the pattern for the Matryoshka dolls here.


Wally said...

"kidney's pounded with sound waves" sounds cool...I guess ???

I'm had my ears pounded with sound waves years ago at the "Whisky" -A-Go-Go in Hollywood a number of years back, and that was cool back then.

Having your kidney's pounded with sound waves sounds NEW.
Do you get to have the sounds on your MP3 to play over-and-over again at home just for the fun of's nice to be cool at home too.

joanieponytail said...

Actually, according to mom it leaves you feeling pretty beat up, and you just can't dance to it. But if they got all the stones, I'm sure it is worth it.